How to join


Who Can Join the AUF?

Any tertiary institution in Africa officially designated as a university, polytechnic or monotechnic in her home country is eligible to be INVITED to join Africa Universities Fund, Inc as a member.

How to Join AUF

Complete the Online Application Form in response to a formal invitation by the Secretary General of AUF.

Know More about the AUF

The following publications and sources provide a clearer insight into the AUF

Constitution and By-Laws

Core Programs and Activities

The AUF website provides up-to-date information on current and future activities.


Any university, polytechnic or monotechnic desiring membership in the AUF shall  shall first be officially invited by the Secretary-General of AUF. Thereafter, the institution may submit an online application for membership to the Office of the Secretary-General (OoSG) at any material time or as directed. The application shall confirm that the applicant intends to adhere to the aims and objectives of the AUF and that the applicant meets the requirements set forth in Article V: Section I of the Constitution. AUF admits only full members.

The Office of the Secretary-General (OoSG) may admit new members subject to the approval and ratification at the next General Meeting of the Board of Directors (BoD) by a simple majority of voting members present. Upon admission, a member shall submit  one proposals:

(1) A list of priority needs for sustaining a 21-century skills-based teaching and learning environment in their institution.

There is no applicable subscription fee  for institution invited to join AUF.

Membership Benefits

1. Access to financial and in-kind resources from AUF donors in the United State and elsewhere

2. Participation in AUF supported Joint Endowment Fund program domiciled in the United States

3. Access to grants, scholarship and technical assistance for students, staff, and programs

4. Access to investors for capital  infrastructure development

5. Participation in exchange programs, joint research projects, scholarship/fellowship programs, and other collaborative activities with universities around the world
6. Access to influential Africa Diaspora professionals/experts as faculty and Consultants

7. Develop and attract US international students for year-abroad programs

8. Members can use our address as their International Development Office in the United States

9. Register patents and access investment funds for inventions in African member universities
9. Faculty/Staff may serve as short-term consultants and resource person in relevant events

10. Participation in all year round strategic events in the United States and elsewhere
11. Receive AUF publications, including The UJUZI Magazine

12. Invitation to host AUF Events / speak at AUF Conferences

13. Advert your academic jobs / institutional news on the AUF Magazine & Website

14. Conference of Rectors, Vice Chancellors & Presidents and participation in the AUF Advisory Council

15. Faculty/Staff participate in targeted training workshops and Conferences

16. Students participate in Pan African Students Festivals and Competitions, etc. in the USA

17. Opportunity to participate in AUF supported blockchain Alumni and Diaspora experts Database program


Services to Individuals in Members Universities

Academic Staff Exchange Program

AUF shall from time to time provide short-term (one - six months) opportunities that will enable staff of member institutions to participate in seminars, conferences and workshops in universities in the USA and other countries or to facilitate research cooperation between African universities and universities outside Africa.

Fellowships and Scholarships

AUF shall make available fellowships and scholarships on a competitive basis to support students from AUF member universities wishing to study at a university outside Africa.

On and off campus Special Issues Workshops

Either on the invitation of a member university or by AUF's proposal, AUF will arrange to conduct a seminar or workshop on an issue relevant to the special needs of the member and which shall benefit the members of that university’s community. Such training or workshop may not be limited to:

  • Management and Development Training
  • Leadership Development Training
  • University-Industry Linkages Training
  • University Governance & Advancement Training

Ready to join?