

To raise awareness and spark tax-deductible and other donor resources for the enhancement and sustainability of a high-skills-based teaching and learning in Africa’s public universities through targeted events and projects. We also play a fiduciary role in the use of those resources to meet the unique priorities of all stakeholders.


Be the most outstanding channel for directing vast financial and in-kind resources to public universities in Africa to enable the universities to effectively translate Africa's enormous youth human resource into a 21-century workforce.


  1. To offer a United State legal platform for tax-deductible donor support to AUF member public universities in Africa;
  2. Create awareness, seek and receive grants, scholarship, endowments, and gifts;
  3. Create linkages for research, training and collaborative initiatives with institutions around the world;
  4. Promote IP and register Patents on discoveries in African universities;
  5. Organize all-year-round events to mobilize donor support around the world;
  6. Raise money from investment activities, branded merchandise sales, publications, and services, etc;
  7. Carry out objective monitoring and evaluation of funded projects.
  8. Run a transparent and accountable and non-profit organization with measurable impact.

Our Strategic Goals

  1. To promote the advancement of public universities in Africa through strategic activities in the US and elsewhere;
  2. Function as a USA International Development Office for all AUF member universities;
  3. Raise financial and in-kind support for strategic interventions;
  4. Reverse "brain drain" by engaging US-based African professionals;
  5. Enhance critical teaching and learning infrastructure in public universities;
  6. Sustain the critical role of public universities for poor students and families;
  7. Partner with  any relevant organization in the USA and elsewhere towards attaining our mission;
  8. Secure adequate resource base to support the mission of the organization;
  9. Participate in economic activities both in Africa, the USA and elsewhere to support our mission.

Our Strategy

Our first Strategic Plan, covering the period of 2019-2024, is being drafted. The Plan will be presented at the Joint OoSG-BoD meeting that will hold in New York in 2019. At the end of this first Strategic Plan, a bottom-up and participatory review process will provide an opportunity to identify any unattained goals, measure the impact and build on achievements. Feedback from the review will guide AUF in the formulation of the 2025- 2030 Strategic Plan.

Funding of the AUF

1. Membership subscription fees;
2. Income from services, sales, and publications;
3. Grants and gifts from foundations, businesses, and individuals;
4. Subventions (possibly) from African governments and agencies;
4. Endowment fund income;
5. Income from fundraising, training and other events.

Our Governance Structure

The principal organs of the Fund include the following:

The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors (BoD) is the supreme authority of the Fund and is responsible for determining the general policies of the Fund. It meets twice yearly.

The Office of the Secretary-General

The Office of the Secretary-General (OoSG) implements the decisions of the Board of Directors. It also makes regular program recommendations to the Board of Directors and runs the day-to-day operations of the Fund through the Secretariat.

The Board of Advisors

The Advisory Board members provide valuable assistance and advice to the Board of Directors and the Office of the Secretary-General. It is made up of Rectors, Vice-Chancellors, and Presidents of member universities as well as representatives of partner organizations. This board meets once a year and has a liaison between it and the Board of Directors.

The Secretariat

The Secretariat is the Permanent Executive Organ of the Fund and operates under the general supervision of the Board of Directors and the direction of the Secretary-General.